Rannveig Alfvinsdottir

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Rannveig portrait.jpg
Photo by Katie Haught, taken at A Most Excellent Day in the idyllic mountains of Blackstone
Resides: Barony of Blackstone Mountain
Status: Current Member
Awards: Visit the Order of Precedence to access a list of this person's awards.
Per chevron inverted rayonny azure and Or, a winged stag trippant argent and a rogacina footed of a demi-annulet gules.




Lady Rannveig “Hraejshvelgsneys” Alfvinsdottir is technically Viking, BUT…..

Offices & Positions

I’ve never held an official office in the SCA, but not because I’m un-willing. It’s simply worked out that because of either my age when I was in Mid-Realm, or citizenship status once I came to Aethelmearc, that I’m not able to hold most offices. (I was declared a citizen of the Most Glorious Kingdom of Aethelmearc in 2003 originally, and then re-declared just a few years ago after moving in, and then back out of Aethelmearcs borders.)

I have, regardless, always tried to be an active and helpful member of my local groups. I have been on staff in some capacity for nearly every Blackstone Raids since 2001, as well as many smaller events over the years.

Recently I have enjoyed lending my skills to several Royal Wardrobe Teams, working with many talented artisans to help create large scale garb projects to be worn by the Crowns of Aethelmearc.


Recently the Baron and Baroness of Blackstone Mtn. saw fit to bestow upon me the (very unofficial) title of Keeper of the Baronial Wardrobe, for my assistance in ensuring Their Excellencies are appropriately clothed for exactly the wrong season and weather conditions.


I chose my name and persona when I was 14 years old, exclusively because someone told me Viking girls could wear pants. I was solidly in my “grunge/hacker” phase and couldn’t fathom the idea of wearing long heavy skirts, let alone bodices or corsets! However, it wasn’t too long before I was lent an Italian Renaissance gown to try out, and from that moment on I was all about that pretty-princess-dress life! I don’t think I wore pants to an SCA event for years after that!

Around that same time I started sewing and really found my passion in studying and recreating the multitude of historical garments that fall within our time period.

So while I identify as Viking, you are just as likely to find me in anything from pharaonic Egyptian garb, to late Italian court gowns, to men’s Elizabethan, to Ottoman or Mongol. My dream is to have one perfectly period head to toe outfit for every time period and culture that catches my interest!


Kingdom Awards

Companion of the Sycamore 2004-10-23

Companion of the Golden Mirror 2022-02-19

Companion of the Keystone 2022-05-07

Baronial Awards

Order of the Sable Anvil (A&S) 10/23/2004

In Case of Court

Best bets if anyone wants to make sure I'm in and/or near Court is to let my Husband, THL Hrafn inn Trausti know I need to be there. Other good options are Their Excellencies of Blackstone Mtn. Baroness Alana Horsecroft II and Baron Cunedda Kell II, or any members of my household, The Peacemakers.

Interests and SCA-related hobbies

My biggest “thing”, and what I am probably most known for, is sewing. I’ve often joked that I am mostly here for the clothes! I also love embroidery, and have recently started carving stamps and block printing fabrics, which I am finding slightly addictive!

Archery has been a constant theme in my SCA life. Starting day one/event one with target archery and later historic crossbows (back in Ye-Goode-Olde-Days I was a part of the crossbow conspiracy! #IYKYK).

A few years ago I decided, somewhat on a lark, to give combat archery a try. I figured it would be a one and done thing to mark off my bucket list. However, much to my continued surprise, I love it! I am even now eagerly awaiting the day I can work my way to the front lines of the next big bridge battle!

Cooking is a big joy I get in the SCA. I cooked my first lunch at a small event in Mid-Realm when I was 15, and since then I’ve feast-o-crated or been part of kitchen staff on a semi regular basis. My Dad and I shared a love for weird foods and experimental recipes, and I’m not sure you can find a better outlet for that sort of thing than an SCA feast! A few years back I tried to count up all the feasts and events I’ve cooked for out of curiosity, and at that point it was around 20. Certainly not as many as some of our Kingdoms truly great cooks, but I am still rather proud of that!

I spent a lot of time in my teens and twenty’s serving feasts and water-bearing. Both are things I still really enjoy when I get the chance, although these days I am more often in the kitchen or in the battle.

I was also proud blood-sucking-merchant-scum for a few years back in the day (despite Fredrick the Balds despairing over my pitiful haggling skills). In fact, I still see garb or accessories I sold out and in use occasionally at larger events!