Order of the Chivalry
Peerage[edit | edit source]
The Order of Chivalry is an order of peerage that is the highest honor one can receive for martial prowess within the SCA. Those so recognized choose to either become a Knight or a Master of Arms. Knights are required to swear fealty to the Crown and can be recognized by the wearing of a simple white belt and an unadorned gold chain. Masters of Arms may swear fealty and are recognized by the wearing of a simple white Baldric. Masters of Arms may wear an unadorned gold chain when they are in fealty. Both may wear gold spurs.
The Order is of equal precedence with the other three Polling Order Peerages, the Laurel, the Pelican and the Defense.
The Order of the Chivalry is a polling order; members meet regularly in person (and electronically) to discuss potential new inductees and give their advice to the Crown. While it is a frequent misconception that the Chivalry elects new members, they merely advise the King and Queen of whom they feel is ready to join the Order. It is the Crown that chooses who to induct and elevates them.
Induction into this Order confers a Patent of Arms if the recipient has not already received one.
Code of Behavior[edit | edit source]
Members of the Order of Chivalry[edit | edit source]
Name | Date Elevated |
Elevation Kingdom |
Type | Notes |
Frederick of Holland | 1971-06-19 | West | Master of Arms | Out of Kingdom |
Bearengaer hinn Raudi | 1972-04-20 | Middle | Knight | Deceased |
Jehan de la Marche | 1972-09-23 | East | Knight | Deceased 2024-05-15 |
Garanhir of Ness | 1974-03-23 | East | Knight | Deceased |
Barak Elandris Hasdrubal | 1980-01-05 | East | Knight | Out of Kingdom |
Emeric Wendel | 1981-01-10 | Middle | Knight | Out of Kingdom |
Barak Elandris Mago | 1981-03-21 | East | Knight | |
Ogami Akira | 1981-08-15 | East | Knight | |
Lorimer MacAltin of the Garioch | 1981-08-16 | Middle | Knight | |
Raimund of the Strait | 1981-11-07 | East | Knight | |
Atai Yoshina | 1982-08-22 | East | Knight | |
Hrothgar of Farley | 1982-10-10 | Ansteorra | Knight | |
Alric Bowbreaker of the High March | 1983-03-19 | East | Knight | Out of Kingdom |
Eliahu ben Itzhak | 1983-04-16 | Middle | Knight | Out of Kingdom |
Traidenas Wilkas of Winter Oak | 1984-01-07 | East | Knight | Out of Kingdom |
Sten Halvorsen | 1984-08-19 | East | Knight | |
Veikr of Wales | 1985-01-12 | East | Knight | |
Barak Elandris Hanno von Halstern | 1985-08-18 | East | Knight | |
Tyracke of Tryndylyr | 1986-03-15 | East | Knight | |
Sebastian Nightwind | 1986-05-10 | East | Knight | |
Wulfbrand Lurkr | 1986-08-16 | Atenveldt | Knight | |
Alexander Caithnes of Wyk | 1987-01-10 | East | Knight | |
Seanan an Chasur | 1987-08-15 | East | Knight | |
Barak Carthalo | 1987-08-15 | East | Knight | |
Andreas Hak | 1987-10-24 | East | Knight | |
John the Pell | 1987-11-14 | East | Master of Arms | |
Æleric Smythe | 1988-07-16 | East | Master of Arms | |
Lucan von Drachenklaue | 1988-08-19 | East | Master of Arms | Resigned |
Morgunn Sheridan | 1988-08-21 | East | Knight | Deceased |
Kormakr Ulfshofuth | 1989-03-18 | East | Master of Arms | |
Maghnus an Chnoic na n'Iora | 1989-08-18 | East | Knight | |
Mordreth Mjothvitner | 1989-08-19 | East | Knight | |
Barak Elandris Bear the Wallsbane | 1989-08-20 | East | Knight | Deceased |
Bedawyr of Avaricum | 1989-12-02 | East | Knight | |
Timothy of Arindale | 1990-08-16 | Atlantia | Knight | |
Kikuchi no Tsuranaga | 1990-08-19 | East | Knight | |
Ariel of Alon | 1993-01-02 | East | Knight | |
Mord Hrutson the Green | 1993-04-03 | East | Knight | Revoked 2018-04 |
Haakon Oaktall | 1993-05-29 | East | Knight | |
Drusilus von Oberbessenbach | 1993-09-18 | Atenveldt | Master of Arms | |
Sven Gunnarsson | 1993-10-30 | Drachenwald | Knight | |
Tarbold Celeris | 1995-03-11 | East | Knight | |
Koga Yoshitsune | 1995-08-19 | East | Knight | |
Andrew MacFarlan of Wigan | 1995-10-07 | Atlantia | Knight | |
Edmond Dracatorr | 1996-10-12 | East | Knight | |
Yngvar the Dismal | 1996-11-23 | East | Knight | |
Robin Wallace | 1997-01-04 | East | Master of Arms | Resigned 2009-10-17 to switch to Knight |
Christopher of York | 1997-08-15 | East | Knight | |
Cygnus the Blissful (Sigenoth the Blissful) |
1997-10-04 | Æthelmearc | Knight | Premier of the Æthelmearc Chivalry |
Michael of Northwood | 1998-02-07 | Æthelmearc | Knight | |
Daene Ferris | 1998-03-21 | Æthelmearc | Knight | |
Sextus Plinius Callidus | 1998-07-11 | Æthelmearc | Knight | |
Guido Martini of Trinacria | 1998-08-14 | Æthelmearc | Knight | |
Rowan de la Garnison | 1998-08-14 | Æthelmearc | Knight | |
James Ahearn | 1998-09-05 | Æthelmearc | Knight | |
Matthias Sean Cameron | 1998-09-12 | Æthelmearc | Knight | |
Orlando Alvarez | 1998-10-10 | Æthelmearc | Knight | |
Reinhardt von Berchtesgaden | 1999-03-20 | Æthelmearc | Knight | |
Matthew Blackleaf | 1999-05-00 | Drachenwald | Knight | |
Otto of Westphalia | 1999-05-22 | Æthelmearc | Knight | |
Christopher Rawlyns | 1999-08-17 | Æthelmearc | Knight | |
Rurik Longsword | 1999-08-20 | Middle | Knight | |
Lucan von Drachenklaue | 2000-08-18 | East | Knight | |
Malcolm Duncan MacEoghainn | 2000-09-16 | Æthelmearc | Knight | |
Maynard von dem Steine | 2000-09-30 | Æthelmearc | Knight | |
Erling The Boar Ring | 2001-06-16 | Æthelmearc | Master of Arms | |
Kadan Chákhilgan Ger on Echen | 2001-07-21 | Æthelmearc | Knight | |
Henri d'Artois | 2001-08-16 | Æthelmearc | Knight | Resigned |
Murdoch Bayne | 2001-09-08 | Æthelmearc | Knight | |
Finn Marland O'Shannon | 2002-01-12 | Æthelmearc | Knight | Resigned; reknighted 2019-01-05 |
Isenwulf Thorolfssone | 2002-03-23 | Æthelmearc | Knight | |
Magariki Katsuichi no Koredono | 2002-08-13 | Æthelmearc | Knight | |
Titus Scipio Germanicus | 2002-10-13 | West | Knight | Deceased 2018-07-05 |
Alonzio of the Peacemakers | 2003-03-15 | Æthelmearc | Knight | |
Dmitriy Shelomin | 2003-10-04 | West | Knight | |
Tristen Sexwulf | 2003-10-04 | Æthelmearc | Knight | |
Dirk MacMartin | 2003-11-22 | Calontir | Knight | |
Graedwynn Mab Teyrnon | 2004-04-03 | Æthelmearc | Knight | Resigned - 2023/08 |
Angus MacBain | 2004-08-17 | Æthelmearc | Knight | |
Wulfstan Huscarl | 2004-12-11 | Æthelmearc | Knight | |
Khalek Shurrag Od | 2005-08-19 | Æthelmearc | Knight | |
Sven Gunther Alcan | 2005-10-29 | Caid | Knight | |
Duncan von Halstern | 2007-08-07 | Æthelmearc | Knight | |
Marcus Eisenwald | 2007-08-10 | Drachenwald | Knight | |
Alric of the Mists | 2008-03-01 | Æthelmearc | Knight | Out of Kingdom |
Magnus Tindal | 2008-08-06 | Æthelmearc | Knight | Out of Kingdom |
Hróðgeirr Ívarsson | 2009-01-17 | Æthelmearc | Knight | |
Óláfr Þorvarðarson | 2009-08-04 | Æthelmearc | Knight | |
Thorgrim Skullsplitter | 2009-08-04 | Æthelmearc | Knight | Deceased 2020-10-03 |
Robin Wallace | 2009-10-17 | Æthelmearc | Knight | Switched from Master of Arms |
Stevan Ulfkellson | 2010-09-25 | Æthelmearc | Knight | |
Thomas Byron of Haverford | 2012-01-14 | Æthelmearc | Knight | |
Gabriel Hawkes | 2012-03-13 | Æthelmearc | Knight | |
Gareth Kincaid | 2012-11-03 | Æthelmearc | Knight | |
Hauoc the Wild | 2013-03-30 | Æthelmearc | Knight | |
Vladimir Mechnik | 2013-08-01 | Æthelmearc | Knight | |
Ariella of Thornbury | 2014-02-22 | Æthelmearc | Knight | |
Cedric Wlfraven | 2014-05-31 | An Tir | Knight | |
Tiberius Pinarius Varro | 2014-08-04 | Æthelmearc | Knight | |
Andreas Morgan | 2014-08-08 | Æthelmearc | Knight | |
Tarl MacLave | 2014-09-20 | Æthelmearc | Knight | |
Arnþorr inn sterki | 2015-05-16 | Æthelmearc | Knight | |
Cunen Beornhelm | 2015-08-04 | Æthelmearc | Knight | |
Vladisla Nikulich | 2015-08-07 | Æthelmearc | Knight | |
Ian Kennoven | 2015-09-26 | Æthelmearc | Knight | |
Marek Viacheldrago | 2016-04-02 | Æthelmearc | Knight | |
Adhemar | 2016-03-13 | Æthelmearc | Master of Arms | (Formerly Henri d'Artois) |
Aquila d'Athos | 2016-04-02 | Æthelmearc | Knight | |
Jussi Laplein | 2016-07-16 | Æthelmearc | Master of Arms | |
Ruslan Ygoravich Voronov | 2017-02-11 | Æthelmearc | Knight | |
Morgen of Rye | 2017-04-08 | Æthelmearc | Knight | |
Beatrix Krieger | 2017-08-07 | Æthelmearc | Knight | |
Tegrinus de Rhina | 2017-08-11 | Æthelmearc | Knight | Expelled 2018-10-06 |
Ulrich von Schwartzburg | 2017-08-11 | Æthelmearc | Knight | |
Thorsol Solinauga | 2017-09-30 | Æthelmearc | Knight | |
Dominic Morland | 2017-09-30 | Æthelmearc | Knight | |
Cu Dub Mac Lorccain (known as Rex) | 2017-10-21 | Artemesia | Master | |
Joel de Grace | 2018-02-24 | Artemesia | Knight | |
Madison Morai | 2018-08-05 | Æthelmearc | Knight | |
Hagar the Blushing | 2018-08-06 | Æthelmearc | Knight | |
Finn Marland O'Shannon | 2019-01-05 | Æthelmearc | Knight | |
Oliver Sutton | 2019-04-27 | Æthelmearc | Knight | |
Cid Hiyo | 2019-08-08 | Æthelmearc | Knight | |
Arden Scot | 2019-08-08 | Æthelmearc | Knight | |
Bors of Rouen | 2020-01-11 | Æthelmearc | Knight | |
Tigernach mac Cathail | 2021-07-10 | Æthelmearc | Knight | |
Boden the Lost | 2022-04-02 | Æthelmearc | Knight | |
Lotharius qui et Segimundus | 2022-05-28 | Æthelmearc | Knight | |
Guillaume le Noir | 2022-08-11 | Æthelmearc | Knight | |
Rhys of Myles Ende | 2023-05-19 | Æthelmearc | Knight | |
Gwydion ap Arden | 2023-05-27 | Æthelmearc | Knight | |
Zvonimir Zavodchikov | 2023-06-17 | Æthelmearc | Knight | |
Lothar Hügelman | 2023-08-07 | Æthelmearc | Knight | |
Angus the Bull | 2023-08-10 | Æthelmearc | Knight | |
Bjarki Rikarðarson | 2023-11-04 | Æthelmearc | Knight | |
Aaron the Swift | 2024-01-12 | East | Knight | |
Carlos Sanchez de Burgos (Burgos the Tiny) | 2024-03-23 | Æthelmearc | Knight | |
Tiberious Hostilious Malous | 2024-11-09 | Æthelmearc | Knight | |
Jacob Martinson | 2025-02-15 | Æthelmearc | Knight |