Combat archery

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Combat archery began in the SCA in 1967 at the Island War in the Kingdom of the West. It is an armored combat activity practiced at melee events throughout the Known World. Using specialized ammunition fired from bows without benefit of modern mechanics, it is used as a range weapon of opportunity.

Hand bows and crossbows are the accepted weapons used. Both can be considered either light or heavy weapons depending on draw weight. Ammunition is made by either protruded fiberglass or polyethylene si-lo-flex construction. Ammo is limited to the weapon as specified in the marshals rules. Inspections are frequent and rigorous.

CA marshals and fighters must know the rules of the heavy field as well as rules specific to CA. Current specifics can be found on society and kingdom combat webpages.

Amour standards for CA are the same as for heavy fighting. Engagement and acknowledgment on the field are most similar to spear, in fact it is often called the 35 ft. spear.

Tactics used by combat archers are related to 3 things;

The skill of the archer to select targets and position themselves effectively

The limitations of the scenario often by rules imposed specific to CA

The willingness of the command structure to incorporate CA into a cohesive plan