Current Senior Leadership: Sir Tarl Shadowraven
Founding member: Viscount Sir Tarbold Celerius First Prince of AEthelmearc
Established: 1990
1990-1999: Viscount Tarbold gathered fighters and named the group to defend our newly formed principality. No heraldry was ever decided during this time despite discussions of including the "All-Seeing Eye" in the design. Fighters came and went from the group except one, Tarl Shadowraven. He trained the new fighters and took on the mantle of leadership.
2000-2002: Several of the original members of the Borderwatch became knighted and wanted to reform their brotherhood on the battlefield under a new name. The original Northern Cross combined three fighting units and the Borderwatch formed one Commandery (branch) of these. The current heraldry was drafted and registered at this time to distinguish its presence.
2003-Present: After the fall of the original Northern Cross, the unit was dwindled but maintained the heraldry without the Tau Cross. We call this time the reformation.
Preferred Battlefield Roles:
- Multi-Tool (Even balance of Shields, Polearms and Spears)
- Combat archery and siege presence
- Rapier presence
Peak Number of Fighters: 28
Battlefield presence in the last 5 years: 27